
“The one who has a good friend doesn’t need any mirror ” by Rumi

A few weeks back while looking for an article I got a photo album of my school trip to Digha (a beach in India). While looking through the pictures I remembered not only my school friends but also those friends who came into my life at some point in my life and left their footprints.

So this odyssey of my life was made with those few who had either made it easier or more dramatic in its rhythm. In this whole span of life from school days to university I have been part of the group of pals who were distinctively different from each other in their nature. Most of them were like winds who came with a soothing feeling but left before one could realise their presence. There were some who were like snows, they looked beautiful but were too cold to stay for a longer time.

While there were few who were like drops of rain who will prevent you to step outside and would always demand to cherish them only. But the real friends were those who were like scorching sunlight, who will bother you with their heat but would always show you the right path by showering their light on you and would never leave you in darkness. Lucky are those who have got even one such friend like the sun.

ยฉ Anushka Ghosh
Lovestruck # @satire โ™กโ™ก

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